Paanduv Applications Advanced Academic Program (PA3P)

November, 2023


Adwaith Gupta

Chief Executive Officer

Paanduv Applications

MS, Stanford University

Dr. Rimzhim Gupta

Sr. Research Scientist 

Paanduv Applications

PhD, IISc Bangalore

Pruthvi Utturwar

Research Engineer

Paanduv Applications

M.Tech, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology


PA3P aims to promote sustainable CFD by proliferating open-source CFD software to more and more people from academia.

We provide hands-on training "CFD with OpenFOAM" in multiple fields such as Thermal Management, Aerospace and Defense, HVAC, and Water and Environmental covering the most used physics i.e. conjugate heat transfer, turbulent flows, multiphase flows, and buoyancy-driven flows.

More information

Collaborate with us for "CFD with OpenFOAM" Hands-On Industrial Training" 

 Contact Details-

+91 8218317925

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