Quant Pracar: World's first Quantum Artificial Intelligence Educational Software

We are in the process of developing Quant Pracar the world's first Quantum Artificial Intelligence educational application. Quant Pracar will offer students and professionals the opportunity to engage with quantum machine learning algorithms. Notably, the project's open-source nature and cross platform support will ensure accessibility and inclusivity. Our mission is to democratise quantum computing, fostering widespread excitement and positioning India as a leader in quantum computing, particularly in software development.

Hardware and Simulators

Options for Execution: 

Users will gain direct access to authentic quantum machine learning algorithms, facilitated by simulators. What sets us apart is that the application will come equipped with local device simulators, making the experience seamless and user-friendly. IBM's quantum simulators will also be at your disposal. Furthermore, we will introduce a feature that will enable users to seamlessly tap into IBM Quantum hardware by entering their API token. 


Quant Pracar enables users to upload and train on datasets of their choice, fostering a hands-on learning experience. Additionally, users can conveniently access pre-loaded datasets, such as the Iris and the MNIST datasets, enhancing understanding of quantum machine learning.


Customizable Options: 

The application offers unparalleled control over the learning journey. Users can tailor the training process by customising each and every aspect of the model to align with preferences. The ability to choose from a diverse range of classical optimizers, feature maps, iterations the application provides flexibility and full control to the user. 

Our Commitment 

We will be fully committing towards the quantum mission.

Benefits of filling the form: Receive an early version of the software and be notified when we open the software for code contributions.